Satchie Voice

Renee Lawrence's Unique Voiceover Odyssey

Satchie Voice was created by Renee Lawrence. It all started while working an auto weather catastrophe deployment for State Farm, as an independent adjuster. She received countless compliments on her voice from various policyholders, but it was one in particular that got her attention. The gentleman had been a radio personality for several stations during his 55-year career in entertainment, and told her she should pursue a career as a voiceover artist. When the weather catastrophe deployment ended, it gave her ample time to start building a voiceover business. She took advantage of that time and everything started falling into place for success. Renee is ready to bring your script to life with her sweet, friendly, and lively voice.

Studio Equipment

  • Whisper Room Recording Booth
  • Neumann TLM 103 Microphone
  • Focusrite Scarlett Solo 4th Gen Audio Interface
  • Lenovo Workstation/Ableton Live 11 Lite/iZotope RX 10 Audio Editor
A laptop and microphone in a recording booth.